Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wisdom Teeth

I go in tomorrow to get my wisdom teeth taken out, and then I take an experimental drug afterwards...or no drug at all...for about 24 hours. In return for this, I will get the knowledge that I have no wisdom teeth, and $160...I also don't pay a penny for them...other than the money I've already paid in bus fares.

I've realized my own humanity, in part...and in so realizing it, and the possibility(however small) that something could go wrong, and I could end up not only losing my wisdom teeth, but also my mental faculties...I figure I should make a will now, whilst I am still of 'sound mind' (guess everything really is relative).

To the RA's which I am pleased to work with--I give you my ID card, the powers of my Dining Plus, and the paycheck that should be coming from my second job in about two weeks--just pretend that I'm not gone...I'm sure no one will ever pick up on it.

To the Writers of the Board--You can have any aliases or reputation I might have acquired in the internet world...though that's not much. You're also welcome to my two assigned questions right now--I'd love for you to explain copyright laws and the history of the Oklahoma Sooners... ;)

To my Friends--You're welcome to take some of my other stuff--books, future road trips, good meals, etc. You just can't have my pillows...those are for Wafflewitz and LEB. I think Uffish gets my music collection too, all 17.5 gigs of it.

To My Best Friend--You can have all the pictures, and everything that the pictures might remind you of...you can also have the promise that I'll try not to be too drooling of an idiot...

To My Family...I think if I lost ALL my mental faculties, you'd be saddled with the burden of taking care of me...I probably should figure out some way to compensate you for that--I'll work on that.

Anyway...here's to free Wisdom Tooth Extraction, and the hope that I don't actually end up losing anything besides teeth. If I do...here's to hoping that someone else benefits from it :)