Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm Dreaming of a Caucasian Holiday

Well, it's finally here--it's the end of the semester, the snow has fallen, wedding plans are falling into place, and I'm officially done with all the junk I needed to finish for school. Now, there's just packing, cleaning, and reception planning, and I'm done. Well...not really done, but at least done with wedding stuff. Being done with wedding stuff means being married, and that's the sweetest deal ever. 7 days until Christmas, 24 Days until we get is really awesome right now.

Speaking of awesome things in life--I got $159 in books back today from the BYU bookstore...and it was amazing. I sold back my liberal arts books...and got real money for them. Usually I end up going to sell my books back and they're like, "we're not buying this one, this one is worth $.52..." Today, there were dollars involved...and lots of them! It was amazingly exciting.

Also, I only had one test to take, and I got a 96% on that, before the curve...this should be even sweeter.

Also, I'm done with the semester, and I'm hugely relieved. This is the last night I work in the office, which means that, apart from cleaning checks and a final run-through Thursday morning, I'm done being an RA. I really feel like I'm moving on. I'm not quite sure what I'm moving on into yet, but I can't help but feel incredibly and amazingly excited about it all--especially with Best Friend along for the journey.

Oh, I also quit the Board. I'm sure that hardly anyone reads this who read that anymore anyway, but I no longer write. I'm so excited about moving on in general that I can't really feel bad about it yet. I didn't really do much anyway, it was time. Granted, the people will be missed...but I can see them.

All in all, life is just great, and I love it. Merry Christmas to all of you, and a very happy 2 007...a good year is blowin' on the wind.