Saturday, March 12, 2005

WWF...Dorm Style

Wow, my head still hurts some from laughing about this one...hopefully you find it half as funny, because I'm still sitting here chuckling about it.

I have this great friend we'll call Madam Manatee (not for any physical reasons, because she's NOT a sea cow in any way, she just likes them a whole lot :). She and Ms. Addison and I all watched My Fair Lady tonight (yes Phoenix, again), and afterwards, Madam Manatee totally started to attack me...completely unprovoked *cough*lie*cough*.

Let's go back to the beginning...

So earlier today, Madam Manatee and Ms. Addison and I were walking to get some dinner, and discussing Berkley, whom I learned about in my philosophy class on Friday. He says that everything is made up of ideas, and that matter is merely an idea that we have. It goes a lot further than that, but I was attempting to be intellectual, and explain things. OK, I really wasn't. I'd already had the conversation with Ms. Addison, and so I was really catching Madam Manatee up on things, when I told her that we were both ideas. Then I said, "And this is us, having a debate!" Then I did a really mature thing, and bumped into her so she tripped out of the crosswalk. Really, it was funny, and so she came back and bumped into me, and I bumped into Ms. Addison, and we "debated" all the way to the MORC. At one point, I told Madam Manatee that I rebutted her argument, and I kicked her in the tush...yeah, I know, more REAL maturity...but it was still really funny.

So Madam Manatee warned me at dinner that she was going to be deconstructing my idea later that night. Madam Manatee told me that she'd taken self-defense, and that I was going down!


So we watch the movie in peace, and then Madam Manatee starts attacking me. She hits me with a pillow to the head, and then gets taken down something fierce by me hitting her back with pillows. The entire time I'm hitting her back, she's yelling "HELP!" Over and over and over again...

Is that what they teach you in self defense?

So then, she finally gets on her feet, standing on solid ground, and she says, whilest being battered with pillows, "I'll show you self-defense, now just stand still!"

Have I mentioned how much I love Madam Manatee?

So then she's trying to get it so that she's pinned me, and somehow, I end up sitting on top of her, without even trying. She says, "Hold on, that's not how it's supposed to happen..."

Maybe she took self-offense.

Our scuffle spills out into the hallway and Madam Manatee and I stand facing each other. I'm laughing really hard at this point, and then I say, "Manatee, you've given me a real headache." At which point, Madam Manatee looks hopeful and pleased with herself, until I say, "From all the laughing I've been doing."


Anyway, Madam Manatee decided to leave me the remainder of my dignity, and told me that she'd deconstruct my idea later.

Wow...somebody really should save the manatees of this world, because this one is absolutely hilarious.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Thank You Internet...

Your Seduction Style: The Natural

You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.
Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.
You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!
People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

Haha! Ok, so that picture was two people kissing...and that was risque for it's not anymore. (Not really, but that looks a lot funnier)

Novel Concept the seductress...yeah right.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Sun, Sons, and Paradox

So, today I got a sunburn...and it excited me. Granted, it's not a real dark sunburn, or bad in the least, in fact, it just kind of looks like I'm blushing across my nose and cheeks, and my arms are a little red.

Friends, it's still technically winter.

I had a test to take this evening, so I studied outside for about 3 hours today, and then "took a break" by going into the library.

Is there something wrong with this picture?

I also heard three freshman guys talking about what they wanted to name their kids someday. Apparently their names of choice are Albert and Alton.

Did the whole world go backwards today?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Girls Girls Girls!!!

Don't worry friends, I got that title from a billboard in Vegas...but the post is nothing like the scantily-clad individuals who adorned it. Nope, none of those wel- placed sequins here-just plain clothes...with sleeves, and "hemlines down to the boottops, and necklines up to the necks." (Have you seen that movie? I know YOU have ;)

OK, so...girls. You know what, I think we all think we're atypical. I don't really want to go into that right now, but it's kind of like what my favorite manatee lover was saying tonight, about how rebellion and conformity are the same thing...not going there either. Anyway...back to the feminines.

I attended Enrichment tonight, that was scheduled to go for 3.5 hours. Ever since Women's Conference last summer when I worked the MORC, I have been convinced that women should never be alone in a large group for any extended period of time without male contact. I wittnessed the true pioneer spirit as women refused to follow authority, blazed their own trails to food, and took all matters into their own hands. No good. Males help us to behave, to interact, and to come back to reality. When males are bad, they provide a common enemy for girl-hood to unite against. Sure, this girl you know may have been a complete jerk to you and stole the guy you liked, but if he turns out to be an even bigger jerk, girl jerk becomes your best friend because she saved you from pain, and you commiserate the male gender in general. Girl thinking just doesn't make sense sometimes.

I think that guys get the short end of the stick in a lot of lessons in church. Women are great, and womenhood is something to be honored and supported, because women do a good job of belittling themselves while the rest of the world does the same, but that doesn't mean that men are scum. Men provide a good tempering to women, and women help to nurture guys...etc. etc. etc. The whole point is to balance each other, not belittle.

Anyway, I guess the point is that I don't understand the way that girls work a lot of times. Guys always talk about how they don't understand females...but they're probably so confused because, well, so are we. We don't understand ourselves, we don't understand guys, and we definitely don't understand how we're supposed to interact. We just do a better job of pretending that we do than a lot of guys.