Friday, June 02, 2006

Shattering Social Norms

I think that there are quite a few people who believed that the group I was with were drunk tonight.

That statement definitely could use some explanation...So here goes.

the group of interns that I live in the BYU house with all headed up to a dance for a YSA (Young Single Adult) dance. We had to take the Metro quite a ways, and then, because we're transportationless, had to rely on the kindness of other youth to drive us to the Stake Center. There, we all danced like crazy, and crazy danced, and did all kinds of other things which amounted to great and wild fun, even though the DJ was a bit lame, they tried hard, and I bet they weren't getting paid. Regardless, I went there to dance, and have a great time, and I did just that. I even got to dance with a member of the BYU ballroom team, which makes me wish that I could dance for real...and be danced with for real...on a more regular basis.

So then, the ride home was a bit more challenging. We had to find rides, and since most of us only know each other within the program, we didn't get that done without a bit of difficulty. Finally, we managed to get a ride to the Metro stop, and I somehow got the guy who gave us the ride's phone number. I asked for a pen to do the crossword, and then his phone number was written on my crossword, and on a card that he gave me. I don't know what happened there--he's a funny guy.

We waited at the Metro for some of our friends who were being taken by other strangers to the stop, and then we all went to wait for the train. Since it's late at night, we had to wait for a bit because the trains run a lot less often. So, we decided to waltz. Yeah, that's right. Six LDS kids waltzed around the Metro platform while we waited for the train to come. Once the train came, the adventure got even better.

It all started because we had our very own empty Metro car. Yup...a whole car, all to ourselves. This meant that I got to do something that I've wanted to do for a really, really long time. I started at one end of the car, and ran to the other while the train was moving, and then swung around one of the hand poles, ran back to the other end of the train, and did the same thing. It was so great! So then, we're sitting there talking about different songs we like, and we start parts. Then we start singing Hymns. When we started, we were all alone on the train, and then a couple people got on, and we just kept singing. The girl who was on the train that wasn't part of our group actually started crying at one point while we were singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." I hope it was mostly because she was touched, and not because we were terrible (we were actually quite good). Another guy got on, and he started talking to us--he told us all about his mother and how he was trying to get home to Cleveland. For those of you who don't know, you're not supposed to sing, dance, or talk to other people on the Metro. You're supposed to sit/stand there and pretend that you're the only person on the train, and that no one else exists. We completely broke all those rules...all of them. To top it off, we stood on both sides of the escalator. If you don't know that rule, you're supposed to stand on the right so that people can walk on the left. In order to make people more aware of this rule, the Metro has little combined word definitions posted on the trains. The one that's applicable here: Escalefter: Someone who stands on the left of the Escalator. Being in DC, I told people that I was being an "Escaliberal."

Anyway, we walked home singing a few more Disney songs, and ended the night with a grand flourish. It was so much fun, and I was completely without any self-conscious feelings, which is odd. It just felt good to have some fun. Good times.