Thursday, August 18, 2005

"Neighbors, You are Tedious!"

I'm currentaly watching Much Ado About Nothing with Wafflewitz and Phoenix. That's a line from the movie.

Education week individuals are currently staying on my floor. They're pretty nice people, much more pleasant to deal with than Women's Conference, though I'm ready for someone besides them to come and live on the floor. I'm ready for the girls who are all excited for freshman year to come, and for the older couples to go home and send their freshmen to college. This morning, I walked out onto my floor to the smell of Old Spice, and the sound of Men's Voices. I'm tired of seeing young punks on the floor who come and go as they please without any kind of asking. While visiting hours can be inconvinient, it makes things easier to keep track of...and it also makes sure that there are actual foods in the vending machines. Silly kids with signature cards.

Also, women can be so irrational. Beatrice just told Benedick that if he loved her he should kill his best friend. That's pretty much the stupidest idea ever. There's no reason that men should have to do some great act to prove that they love someone. It's the small acts and kindnesses that prove that--not some singular action. Oh much you make Benedick suffer...and for what?

"Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent."
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's been one week since you looked at me...

That's the way I feel about life right now. I've been so insanely busy with so much stuff lately...moving, RA training, unpacking, class scheduling and the like, that I haven't stopped to look around for a little while. You know what? I think fall is on it's way. The mountains are browning more, the leaves on some of the trees are starting to change, and the days are getting shorter. It's even been cool enough outside at night on occasion that I felt justified in wearing a sweater...and that's pretty big news for me. You know what this time of year means? Sharpened pencils, new paper, some other random office supplies, education, clothes that feel new because it's the first time other people have seen them, and a sense of least if you're me.

Guess what else happened today? I was at RA training, and for a second I got the greatest feeling of excitement for the other RA's there. Suddenly, I became aware of their potential, and abilities, and their excitement to be there, and I was so proud of them all. I don't even know the majority of the people there, and it completely didn't matter. I was proud of them, and excited for them, and knew that they had the potential to succeed, whether or not they chose to take it. I've been doing the same thing with everyone this week. I'm seeing so much good in people, and managing to look past things that would usually make me groan slightly internally, and getting excited about the good qualities of their personalities, and their potential. It's something that makes me so excited as an RA. I get to be the goofy excited person who has tons of energy and crazy creative ideas that are cool for one reason alone, and that's because I act like they are. People have a way of doing that too. Some of them are kind of nerdy, and some of them can be pretty sad sometimes. All they really need is someone who really does believe that they're cool, honestly and sincerely, and they start to feel like they're cooler.

That's the kind of person I want to be. The kind who's so fun to be around, and so alive and passionate about what she does, that as nerdy as it, or the people that I may be around are, it just doesn't matter, because I believe in it so strongly. Someday, I'll get there. For now, I'm going to keep trying to see the good in people, because everyone needs someone to see the good in them, especially for the times when they can't seem to see it in themselves.