Friday, February 11, 2005

HUZZAH!!! is good :D.

FCCLA- Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America

I just spent lunch with the future of our country...And I have to say-the future looks...Well, trendy?

After some careful observation with a friend, we've come up with some very important things you need to know if you ever plan to become a leader in your Family, Career, or Community.

Sensible shoes-wearing these makes people realize that you, too, are sensible. Also, they show that you can aspire to new heights on the inside-you don't need material goods to do it.

Jean Skirts-wearing these shows that you're in touch with the pulse of the people, without actually stooping to their level. You're wearing jeans AND a skirt-how much more do you want?

Hunting Jacket-don't wear these, it just screams "I HATE ANIMALS!!!" You're not going to get anywhere with animal lovers hating you too much.

Teddy Bear-carry one of these, because it shows that you're compassionate, and you love animals. Either that, or it shows that you need one of the next with you...

Mommy-it's ok to let her stay home after awhile...Really. She probably gets sick of hanging around anyway.

Lip Ring-far to distracting when speaking...And gross looking. Which brings us to...

Language (Crap, Ex-lax)-if you call your friends ex-lax as a term of endearment...I don't want you. Also, if you use the word 'crap' you're clearly a potty mouth and have no business being around people of high repute.


Ice Cream-do not follow everyone else to the ice cream machine. If you do, you are a lemming, and you obviously promote obesity in America...Obviously.

Whimsical Shoes-now, these need to be sensible tennis shoes with blue, yellow, and green swirls on them. These shoes will not likely get you the ultimate leadership opportunity-though they may allow you to work your way into congress or something. I think quirky might work for that.

Collared Shirt-You have to have a collared shirt...And a tie-otherwise, how on earth are people supposed to trust you? Well, if you're male-girls need a skirt. The skirt suit on girls says "I'm a business women" a lot more than it screams "elect me!" though.

Untucked Shirt-guys shirts must be tucked in. The flap in the back that covers your backside indicates that you're looking to cover your own behind before looking out for the team. While this may be a statement of truth, you want people to at least believe you're entirely sincere.

Puff Paint-Don't use this, it just makes you look like you tried to be crafty without any real tools available...

Yeah, those are the things I learned. Shallow? Critical? Cynical maybe? It's always possible...But Uffish is revealing werf's gender today, along with 'nyms-I'm sure you guys are MUCH more interested in that anyway. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Driving Them Crazy

I think I'm starting to understand why it is that parents have a hard time when their children finally reach the "driving stage" of life. I know that my poor parents had no ability to replicate what I could make our small four door car do. That car hiccupped, wiggled, jumped and jived...though not often in a movement conducive to regular road travel. Sad least for them. I actually didn't get my license until I was 19-this summer, in fact, right before coming back to school. Finally, I could drive.

It's funny how that made me feel different...even though it didn't really change anything about life...I still didn't have a car, I still use UTA, and I still enjoy walking.

My poor friend though, is currently in the "learning to drive" stage. For the sake of everything, let's call him Buddy.

In Buddy's family, you're not allowed to get your learners permit until you've gotten your Eagle, or your YW medallion. Buddy had just finished up presenting his project to the council, and was waiting in the Honda for his mom to come out once she was done with everything she needed to do.

Now, it was cold outside, as it tends to be this time of year. and Buddy decided that it'd be good to turn on the heater-a sensible choice, for a sensible young man.

He tried to turn on the heater and for some reason he thought he had to turn on the car...I don't know why he thought that...

He somehow popped the clutch and careened over the parking stopper thing, over the corner of a short brick wall, between 2 parked cars (he dinged one), past Scouters standing in the parking lot, through two parked cars scrapping and denting the passenger door (but missing the pickup that would have totaled the Honda and hurt him), past the parking lot blacktop edge, past 2 trees into the field about 1/2 way to that little church next to the scout office.

Apparently he didn't know how to stop the car and when he tried he hit the gas instead of the brake, and so he just turned the ignition off as soon as he made it through the parking lot.

Seems like a logical solution to me. Poor Buddy now doesn't really have any desire to drive...which is sad. I'm sure he'll do fine after a little bit of Driver's Ed, and some practice with someone who can tell him what he's doing...

Poor guy-best of luck Buddy...driving really can be quite enjoyable.