Monday, March 20, 2006


For one of my classes, they required us to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and then, today in class, we had a professional come and explain the results to us. Not that they're that hard to understand...just that it's nice to have someone explain them anyway.

So our professional is explaining things, and she's describing the different categories. Then she makes us write each letter, and then draw a line between them to show how far along the line we think we are. As she's describing them, this is what my paper looks like:

Then she hands back our results, and I was right on. My actual points were E: 14, N: 12, F: 5, J: 2. It made me pretty excited--after all..."To thine own self be true" right? I also happen to like the description of potential strengths and weaknesses, partially because, at least on the weaknesses, they're pretty dead on. I also liked how it described one of the leisure activities of an ENFJ as "collecting and telling stories." Lastly, there's a description of characteristics frequently associated with each type. ENFJ says: "Responsive and responsible. Feel real concern for what others think or want, and try to handle things with due regard for the other's feelings. Can present a proposal or lead a group discussion with ease and tact. Sociable, popular, sympathetic. Responsive to praise and criticism. Like to facilitate other and enable people to achieve their potential."

Hooray! I hope that I really can be this ENFJ--they sound like people who make the world better.