Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Higher the Ponytail....

...The dumber the behavior of the guys around you?

I certainly didn't think that this was an adage that had been proven, but work tonight, and any night I've worn my hair up in a high ponytail has proven differently. Every single time I have my hair up higher, I get guys who act like we're suddenly back in the 4th grade and they're trying to get my attention. Servers who don't notice I'm back there stocking their glasses for them on a low ponytail day are suddenly throwing napkins at me, standing in my way in the doors, and flirtaciously hitting me in the arm while trying to sound witty. A guy at the pasta bar tonight started to strike up a conversation with me about Fettacini, apparently assuming that since I worked there, I must be all kinds of knowledgeable about it...

..again, not the case. At least he realized that he was sounding silly, because he stopped mid sentence and said, "Wow, now I'm just rambling." At that point I came back with a witty and well placed comment:

"Would you like a sausage or meatball?"

The poetry of it all.

Anyway, I guess I've learned that a high ponytail is another feminine wile...either that, or it just evokes thoughts of cheerleaders and school spirit, which puts some guys into a football jock mind set, which causes them to try and impress you? I really don't know, but the reactions are amusing, though hardly impressive.

On a different note, I turned in like, 24 books 1 day late to the library after break, and I was expecting the massive fine of 24 dollars to be my very own. I checked my account today though, and they apparently decided to forgive the whole thing. Hooray for a benevolent and kind library staff! Yay for the HBLL!

And now, back to physics and computer science homework, and then onto working on something much more exciting and fun...but I'll have to talk about that later.