Saturday, February 05, 2005
"What is it? Night of the Weirdo's?"
Also, Wal-Mart only likes you if you're buying something...go figure.
And one more thing: Sometimes we really do need to lean on someone...thanks guys :D.
Friday, February 04, 2005
Teach Me all That I Must Do...
I saw a mother today with her son, who, I would guess, is going to be starting classes in the summer. She walks up with her son to the registration desk, and barks, "Well, tell them what you need!" He looks taken aback, and scared to be on campus already, and then he looks at her with fright and says, "I don't know what I need." Poor kid; I'd be scared too!
That's not even all of it.
The woman then pushes this poor kid out of the way while rolling her eyes and says, "We need one of those registration books." The two girls working behind the counter don't know what she's talking about, and so they both attempt to clarify for a little while before determining exactly what it is that she wants. They explain where to find it, and she drags her poor son off to some other part of the building.
I certainly hope that I'm never like that as a mother, not even on the really, really bad days. No wonder some of the freshmen look so scared...
In other news, I'm changing my major. After wrestling with physics for a few semesters, I've realized that the hands on experimental stuff I love, but the tests and homeworks: blech! Then I realized that I probably shouldn't be placed somewhere making people do the things that I don't like. History teaching is still a go, but so is a trip to the Counseling Office to see if there's anything else that's right up my alley. Major changing's in the air...
She Should Teach Lessons...
How's this for equality between the sexes?
I take a 2.5 hour class every Wednesday. This past Wednesday, I witnessed a girl who can only be described with an analogy. Girl : Getting Digits :: Sheriff of Nottingham : Collecting Taxes
I'm not kidding.
I took some notes, mostly on stuff that we were talking about in class, but I also took note of her ritual. Watch for it boys, lest you too fall under her spell.
She comes into class a few minutes late, and sits next to a good-looking guy below me. I'm guessing they might have been vaguely acquainted beforehand, but I'm not sure. They're talking and being slightly flirtatious, and about 10 minutes after she sits down, she's scratching his back and they're getting along just fine. At one point she does the following:
1. Reach down slowly for bag
2. Pull out chap stick (blistex perhaps?)
3. Place chap stick back into backpack
4. Pull out sweet scented oil (OK, some would call it simply lotion)
5. Begin to use it- large dollop in hand first, then slow motions over arms and hands, rubbing particularly on elbows and fingertips.
6. Re-insert lotion in bag, and sit back to take notes again.
I think I may have even detected an elbow brush.
For some reason, the guy has to leave at the break, about an hour and a half into class. He gets up with a charge for her to "call him" and leaves. Not 5 minutes after guy #1 is gone, guy #2 enters the scene. He sits in the recently-vacated seat next to her, and they start talking.
I start paying attention to class much more hard-core at this point, and about 15 minutes later, I look down in time to see her receiving a business card from this guy with his number on it, and she starts the same ritual listed above again. "Lotioning and oiling, oiling and lotioning!"
Apparently though, it works...because she didn't have to get up once, and she came out of that classroom with two numbers, and the request to call them both...
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Cheese it-The Cops!
Ok, so last night started off well enough. There was a nice trip to see the very funny Divine Comedy, and then an excursion to Smiths for Ice Cream and Brownie mix, provided by a fellow writer. (Not named to protect his pseudonym...Don't even try and be sly there friend :) We were playing games in Smith's and picking out toppings. I was standing in front of the display of the hot fudge toppings, with some of the strawberry ones too, and somehow, I managed to knock one of the strawberry topping jars off the counter, while holding the hot fudge in my other hand. I caught the first jar of strawberry topping, and then tried to catch the next one that fell, and dropped the first, and then tried to catch the next suicidal strawberries thing, and the second one fell. All told, I ended up splattered with strawberry topping from the two shattered jars on the floor. Novel Concept's a klutz on isle 10, clean-up on isle 10...
Then it was back to my place of residence to make the brownies and eat the ice cream. Other friends who'd gone to see a later showing of DC came and joined us, and though some freshmen didn't exactly do things that were intelligent, or cool...(Oh well, what can you do?) the experience was still generally enjoyable. Then it was midnight, and time to climb on the Maeser Building! Huzzah!
So we climb a little-pillars and such mostly, and then we started to walk towards the RB and the amazing climbing tree there. We get sidetracked by the fountain behind the visitor center, and we all sit in it (there isn't any water in it was just the concrete-kind of like Greece and the old speaking forums), wishing desperately that it was some kind of hot tub, because it was real cold. We sat there and talked for a bit, getting a preview of Smurf's blog today, and Smurfs, Wiggle, and J all head off for the tree, leaving me, Uffish, BamaBeau, and Wilhelmina Wafflewitz to sit and chat for a bit longer before joining the rest. We walk towards the trees when we hear Smurfs, and J telling us that there was a police officer that had stopped at the top of the hill and who was getting out of the car. Most of us were unaware of why this was problematic...According to Smurfs, it's illegal to walk around campus after 12:00, and it's technically trespassing. Yikes! What do we all do then? We take off running in the direction of the parking lot by the athletic building. What do we see there? A car parked right by the end of the sidewalk, which we all assume are also police...The parking lights are on! This is the pathway by the outdoor tennis courts, and there are bathrooms, suddenly we all seem to realize that we've got to go...Either that, or everyone else thought that I was trying to hide in the bathroom and decided to follow suit...I honestly just had to use the bathroom...Oh well. I walk out of there, and, through the brick wall divider between the two bathroom doors, I hear Smurfs say, "that's a car with it's parking lights on, that's a bad thing, walk slowly in this direction." So we all start walking back towards the Athletic Building, and we're discussing the fact that it's apparently illegal to be on campus. Smurfs then say, no, I've been caught on campus before..." To which a voice responds from up in the bushes, "you mean like now?" DUN DUN DUN!
We all stopped in our tracks, and look around kind of nervously. I'm trying to see who it is that said the stuff. The voice then proceeds to say, 'there's a car parked at the end of the sidewalk over there, with it's parking lights on." Thank you, that's just what had prompted our retreat in the other direction...We're all still standing there just looking up at the hillside, when the voice says, "I'm totally kidding, I'm not actually police, keep walking." Oh, funny.
We decide to stop our mad running, because we would end up looking guilty(er) than anything else. The rest of the trip back to my place and the car was pretty uneventful. There was a real good rolling down the hill by the Marriott Center though...Good times there, and some bread/ramen exchanging. Everyone went home, and I went upstairs to defrost...I can't ever seem to do that all the way...
What a great life. I even stayed awake for church today...Maybe I should start doing regular hour things though...Maybe...