Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Gee, He Must be a Fungi...

I just got back from lunch where I heard a young man attempt to woo a young lady. Is this a new theme at BYU? Not a chance. The novelty in it came in the subject matter that he was trying to woo her with. Mushrooms. Yes, that's right, mushrooms.

Now, I'm a pretty open minded person, but I can't really see how it is that someone could want to use mushrooms as their topic of romantic conversation. "And in our next episode, we'll explore as Derek brings himself closer to Anna by relating the awe-inspiring story of how he overcame his dislike of mushrooms." Probably not 60 Minutes material. Some of the actual conversation went like this:

"Yeah, I used to hate everything thinkable about mushrooms. I mean, they grow on dead things!"
"Uh huh. I made a choice when I came out to BYU that I would like mushrooms though, and so I worked so that I could do that."
"Wow, that's great."
"Yeah, I started out trying to eat them with chicken. Eventually I got to the point where I liked them. It's a good thing too, because they're so healthy for you."

And on it went. I was highly amused, because it seemed to be working! I decided to test out my own powers of mushroom conversation at the next meal, and it worked as well. Who knew that mushrooms could spurr such conversation. I still don't recomend them for wooing purposes, but the basic conversation effectiveness stands. Go ahead, try it. Pretty soon all the world will be convinced that you too are a fungi...


Christie C said...

Over Thanksgiving break, my sister went on and on about how she made herself like oatmeal. "I decided that I was going to make myself like oatmeal. The first day it took me three hours to eat a bowl! It took awhile, but now I really like it! I make it in the microwave after work and eat it in religion... blah blah blah" I hope she doesn't start using that as a way to get guys. "So, do you like oatmeal?"

Trueblat said...

There is a reason why I rarely talk about the inner workings of music to other people. It's bad enough when I'm talking to somebody, pause, yell at a singer on the radio that the fourth scale degree their singing is flat or some other rubbish like that. And yes, I've done that on more than one occasion.

I must add though, that it is exciting to see someone brighten up and talk about any subject and just watch how animated they get. There are times when I'll ask somebody a question about a particular field that interests them, and I find it interesting just to watch them in their moment, not the subject. Although, yes, I would hope he has more interests to talk about than mushrooms. Maybe I should find something other than music.

Anonymous said...

This sounds vaguely like that wonderful Seinfeld when George was trying to woo an attractive lady with his "ma newer" shpill. It didn't quite work as well for our pudgy friend though. Kudos to the guy that actually got a girl by talking about mushrooms. Man i wish i was as cool as that man.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness. FCSM, your sister gave me the oatmeal rant too. I can solemnly avow that she wasn't trying to hit on me, but nonetheless, funny times.