Saturday, December 11, 2004

Grey Day?

I just got back from seeing a really great movie, and I still feel kind of empty right now. I even had a really good day. I got a final taken care of, I worked on a project, and I even managed to have some fun while doing it. AND I got to see some friends tonight...and still, I'm just kind of grey inside. Guess maybe it's just time for sleep, and for Christmas. I'm looking forward to some of that Holiday Cheer right now.

Novel Concept the Grey, signing off...

1 comment:

Etelmik said...

Millions and millions!

Times I should do something and do something else instead, like commenting on someone's blog.

Pennies to buy a Mercedes.

Times I've said "I hate Biology 100" when I took it and "I hate Physical Science 100" this semester.

Time I can relate to how you're feeling.

Don't worry, missy, it's not permanent. And we ALL look forward to the break. Oh yes.