Thursday, March 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Day, Relief Society, and the Great Debate

OK, first, Happy St. Patrick's Day, and Happy Birthday to the Relief Society!

Moving on...

The great debate. For me, this usually falls between two things, and in the afternoons. Allow me to set up the situation for you.

It's midterm week, and you've just studied for 2 tests, and taken 1, you got 3 hours of sleep the night before, and went to all your classes. Because you did so, you've now gotten nothing to eat all day...and it's 3:00 in the afternoon. You've got a class at 5...and you could really use a nap.

So what do you do? Do you take the nap, or do you get something to eat?

At this point, I usually sit in my chair and think for a little while...and the nap usually wins. I mean, sure, it's kind of nice to take a nap right after eating, but's so now, so precious, and so much easier than getting something to eat...

The same thing happens to me when I run into a problem of hygiene v. sleeping or eating...I dislike going out anywhere though if I've not showered, and so showering generally wins out, at least when my hair is incapable of being placed in a ponytail. Honestly, that's one of the reasons that I keep it so short-apart from the fact that I like it this way, it's far to easy for me to get lazy when my hair gets long enough for it to get into a ponytail...

And lazy is just least for hair gets nasty, and there's no way to justify that.

These "what do you do?" questions remind me of the first book that I ever read out loud. It's called What do you do with a Kangaroo? by Mercer Mayer. Try reading it sometime, it's still one of my favorites. Also, The Paper Bag Princess by Robert's just a great book, and as a Board writer, I never realized the great impact that such a book would have on my personal life...ok, so that's a lie.

I don't think that anyone who knows me personally, and knows that I'm on the Board doesn't know that I'm Novel Concept...first off, I'm not too hard to figure out, and secondly, once you figure it out...I'm really ok with some people knowing, as long as I've actually met you in person, and spent SOME time with you...I guess I'm not as guarded about my anonymity as most other writers...well, at least not with this 'nym. There aren't too many people who know my other least not all of them. Oh well, that's enough on that stuff.

Again, Happy Holidays friends, and have an excellent day...week...however long it is until you check back here to read more about the Daring Adventures of Novel....

1 comment:

Braden said...

Hiya Novel. Dig the shamrocks. Apparently you and I have the same seduction style. We should, like, join forces.