Tuesday, May 10, 2005

First Kiss...Or Not

You know what I can't understand? How on earth it is that most movies in which characters supposedly haven't ever had any experience with kissing...At all...Ever...Supposedly know exactly what they're doing, and are completely at ease and lacking in any awkwardness the first time they kiss. Does anyone else see some kind of sad, sorry problem here? I do. For example, shown below are some examples of first kisses--most are obvious because of age...The other is clear from film context:

Those are first kisses...Most movies kisses are obviously not. Even at the point where you'd expect the individual to know how to kiss due to other relationships and marriage, there's still go to be some initial awkwardness there...At least I'd think so. It's kind of like in the trailer for the Chronicles of Narinia. Lucy stands in hesitation before opening the wardrobe, not because she's got any kind of reason to be hesitant, but becuase WE know what's on the other side, and WE need the hesitation to build. I guess they can't make the kisses terribly awkward, because they want the movie to properly flow...but couldn't there be some kind of middle ground?

Then again, maybe I'm crazy...That's always possible.


Thirdmango said...

You've inspired me to make a movie with an awkward first kiss. It'll be great. Although in all reality, isn't the sleeping beauty one an awkward first kiss, I mean he's kissing a girl that's asleep! Come on! :)

Jordan and Emily Chapman said...

I wonder what brought about this entry... Could it be that you talked to someone on Sunday?

Anonymous said...

In my rather extensive experience, the only awkwardness of the situation stems from the feelings, and not necessarily the actions. You feel awkward, but somehow, the kiss usually turns out just fine. There are a few notable exceptions, of course, but as a general rule, they just usually seem to turn out all right.

Benvolio said...

Kissing isn't necessarily awkward the first time. Take, for example, yours truly and Girlfriend No. 3. Not awkward at all, and on the first date to boot. That was a little too easy, however, and I never should have smooched her in the first place. She's married now to the guy she dated before me. Figures.

alishka babushka said...

i agree with you novel. i mean all first kisses...(well i've only had one first kiss...) are awkward! there seems to be no way around it. honestly. so why do they make it look easy? cause everyone wants it to be not awkward and hollywood is just fulfilling our dreams instead of giving us reality. stupid hollywood...

tiblittle said...

I'll be honest. My first kiss ever was a complete disaster: we totally missed each other's lips! I think my lips landed on his chin. Good thing we were really good friends to begin with because we just laughed at ourselves and tried again. It was much better the second time... and the third time... :-)