Sunday, August 28, 2005

My Little Brother is Awesome...

My brother is 13, and we were talking on the phone today. He asked how old the girls on my floor were and I told him that they were mostly 18. He interrupted me by trying to tell me what my mom had said about them by saying, "Mom says that they're all giggling Frenchmen...I mean freshmen."

My favorite mental image of the afternoon...a whole floor full of giggling frenchmen...


Braden said...

"Somewhere in Remote Africa, with Lions"

HAHAHAHA. That was *brilliant*.

Anonymous said...

Lol. I giggled and my roomies asked what was so funny. I love it.

Also some questions for you my friend. Do you have the books To destroy you is no loss, Imagined Communities, Silence, The drowned and the saved, and All quiet on the western front? I know you have the last one and I was hoping if you had any of the others I could borrow them instead of having to buy them. Because I am making way to many stops at the bookstore every day.
Also you never came and had cake and now it is all gone. Sad day for you.
Anywho hope all is well and you aren't bothered by too many giggling frenchmen.

Tolkien Boy said...

How does that sound? Heu heu heu instead of hee hee hee?