Monday, April 03, 2006

Forever and a Day

That's how long it feels like it's been since I've blogged. Consequently, I've got a lot of stuff to tell everyone about.

First off, I bought a car. A lovely, wonderful, amazing car, that really and truly belongs to me and allows me the mobility and freedom to drive to work, and see my family, and anything else I need to do. It's really great.

Secondly, I did it. What is this "it," you're all wondering? Well, for those of you who don't know, I applied for an internship with the Smithsonian. Yes, that's right, The Smithsonian. If, somehow, you don't know what that is, I'm sorry first off, as I have met several people who fall into that catagory, and you can go here to find out about it. That's actually just the National Museum of American History...there are about 5 different museums. I'm working in the Hands on Science area. Find out about that here. I'm way excited. I leave on April 30th, and then come back August 20th. Crazy eh? I'm spending almost 4 entire months in Washington DC as an intern at the Smithsonian...I still can't believe it. I actually really and truly did it!

Now, that fact is great, but it causes a few problems. First, I've got to figure out where I'm staying...if any of you have relatives who might be looking for boarders...let me know. I'm not looking for a free room--I'm totally willing to pay rent, and I don't expect food or anything. I just need a place to sleep at night. Yeah...let me know.

So, Yeah...exciting huh? I think it's awesome. I'm so excited for school to be over, because I'm feeling totally done with school right now. Unfortunately, until I've got all the details worked out for the Smithsonian, the fact that the school year is ending in a mere 4 weeks is a little stressful. I've been packing my room and trying to figure out what I need to take with me to DC, what to do with the stuff I'm leaving here, etc. etc. etc.

I have bought my plane ticket though...and that's a pretty huge step for me. That makes it, I'm actually going. It still hasn't sunk in, I hope it does sometime before I actually get there.


Braden said...

Wow, exciting stuff. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow that's so exciting! I've never been to DC (tries to hide the overwhelming jealousy). They'll probably love you so much that they'll offer you all kinds of money and perks and stuff so that you'll stay and work for them forever. If you stay I'll hate you though because we'd never make it up there to visit you. Stupid Smithsonian stealing you away forever!

Natalie said...

I love it back east. Hey, thanks for the Easter candy and pen! Sorry I missed seems like I'm always off doing some band thing when you come over. Anyway, you're a real pal. Happy Easter to you too!