Thursday, April 27, 2006

Good Morning!

Has anyone else noticed that it's absolutely gorgeous outside today? The weather is amazing, the finals are done, and I'm almost totally packed. About 3/4 of my floor has already checked out...crazy girls who are trying to get home and see their families. I don't know why you wouldn't want to stay in on-campus housing for as long as you possibly could. Suck the marrow, and all that jazz.

Actually, it's interesting. Unnamed Hall has been my home for the past three years, and basically encapsulates my experiences here. These dinky rooms have been my home. I've learned a lot about education, history, physics, political science, student development etc. here, and a whole lot more about myself and the people that I have relationships with. DT has helped to establish my current sleeping patterns (or lack thereof) and it's been here for almost every one of my successes and failures in college.

You know, I guess I'm kind of attached. I'll miss the Mount Timpanogos/Provo Temple view that I've had for two of the years. Funny, the only year I haven't had this view was last year, when Best Friend was in the MTC...maybe that was on purpose. Can't have too much sentimental gazing into the distance...right? ;)

I don't think that I'll miss the maintenance problems, or the fact that I can't paint the walls, as much as I would have liked to. I don't think I'll miss the Freshmen Guys as the only male company apart from the RA's, but I will miss the aspect of being an RA where you get to see people, well--Freshmen girls, who are people too etc. etc.--just grow up. Freshmen year is so defining for so many people. I worry about some of my girls, and the patterns that they've established...but I guess you just can't do much to make people choose the right, you can just try and guide them. I'll also miss the chance to have huge communal bathroom coversations, and the fact that I basically get 40 automatic friends when the semester starts out.

Hrmm, I just yawned, and my breath smells pretty bad. I think it's time to brush my teeth. ooh--speaking of teeth brushing, when my sister and I ran the Rex Lee Run the other weekend, they gave us some toothpaste with Japanese all over the back called "NEWAYS." It's disgusting, and I don't really think it cleans my teeth at all. The taste of it is almost as bad as the Shrek Swamp Chocolate toothpaste that one of my friends gave me once. THAT stuff was rank.

OK, time to get ready for the morning. Time to get showered, do laundry, pack, work on finishing up my class for D.C. and send a couple things at the post office. I leave for D.C. in about....

1 comment:

Piquantly Parisian said...

Hey, so I heard you got your room all packed. And you're supposedly leaving for D.C. in several hours? Man, I totally miss everything. I really need to work on this. Oh, by the way, did you get your room all packed?

Love your freakin' guts (I don't need no "g").