Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dum Dum Dum Dum....

So, there was this one time, when I was engaged.

And it was good.


TheMoncurs said...


Congratulations and we wish you all the happiness in the world!

Jordan and Emily Chapman said...

What!?! this is news to me...I had no idea we were buying announcements for you.

TheMoncurs said...

Ok so I had a dream about you last night.

I dreamt I was in Provo for some reason or another and I was asking about your ring. You said, "I don't get to have it until Thanksgiving." I said, "Um..Thanksgiving was last week." All of a sudden youknowwho popped out from behind a statue, dropped on one knee, and proffered the ring. There was music and colored lights. It was very dramatic.

The longer I looked at your ring, the more complicated it became. It had little things that poked out from it and all the little bits and pieces could twist around and so it could look like an entirely different ring depending on your mood. Eventually, we figured out that some of the pieces could flip upside down and, with a certain arrangement, the ring had a pop-up book type scene from Winnie the Pooh made completely out of diamonds. I thought it was a tad juvenile for a woman of 21 (almost 22!), but you didn't seem to mind (power to you).

I have no clue where that all came from, but it did remind me how much I miss you!! It was still fun hanging out with you in my dream last night. We should try it in person soon. Perhaps, say, January?

ambrosia ananas said...

Congratulations. : )