Tuesday, December 21, 2004

High School

So I went back to High School today...

I got to see my teachers from a few years ago, and surprisingly, they actually seemed glad to see me. 'Twas fun. As I walked around the school without a hall pass, I felt that I had managed to graduate from more than just high school...I had managed to rise above their rules as well. I was now at an institution where I can decide all my own classes, and then I can decide whether or not I even want to go to them. I felt so independent and adult for a minute...and then I had to call my mom to come and pick me up because I don't have a car...

Independence crushed.

While my mom and I were driving down the road to get home after stopping off at the Red Cross, these guys in an awnings installation truck started waving at us. We laughed and waved back, and then continued driving down the road. they sped up to catch up to where we were again, and then waved while showing a cell phone at the window. We drive away again, laughing, until there's a phone call on my mom's cell phone. Guess who? Yeah...the guys in the truck. Scary, until my mom realizes that she knows one of them. Turns out that after they had started waving and looking silly he'd looked over and realized he knew my mom, and then they decided to have fun with us both. Guess that's what happens when your mom looks like she could be your sister...for real, because they certainly weren’t winking at the passenger.

1 comment:

Christie C said...

I've had that happen to me before! I used to go back and visit my high school teachers as well. I felt so old and grown-up compared to the silly teenagers... and then my mommy had to come get me in the parking lot. Same thing happened whenever I went Christmas shopping at the mall during Christmas break. She always had to drop me off and pick me up... curse not having a car!