Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Twenty Nothing

Hello all,

The Book of Novel Concept
1. And it came to pass in the 209th year of the reign of the presidents, in the first month on the 26th day, there came forth a daughter unto a Couple of Older Concepts, who dwelt in the Land of Lincoln.
2. And behold she was raised like unto Nephi, in that her parents were also goodly and she was taught somewhat in all their learning...

I have come to you today with a deep and important question. I soon celebrate my exit from teenagedom, and move into the kindom of the twenty nothings. In case you don't know where it is, it's located somewhere between the kindom of adult and the kindom of upper teen. In the Mormon neighborhood, there are very few young men who inhabit the kindom of twenty nothing...well, they inhabit it, but they don't have time for regular life-activities.

As I begin to pack up all my crayons and toys, and start to move out of teenagedom, I wonder what it is that I should do to celebrate. Should I do something immature and reckless, in typical teenage style, or should I do something....well...adult-ish?

This is where I ask for your help. What exactly should adult-ish people do?


erin said...

Hey, you don't have to put away your crayons. I use them sometimes. I also have a bucket of soldiers and two barrels of monkeys. How much fun is a barrel of monkeys? Lots of fun, I tell you.
But please, don't really think that you have to be in the land of twenty-somethings. It isn't that exciting. The farther into it you get, the more you have to do things on your own, like pay for your own insurance and stuff. Then you have to get a real job and all that nonsense.
Eww. Nastybus.
Celebrating should be nothing more than being yourself and doing what you want.
Since I became a twenty-something, I tend to eat out more than I did. I don't know if that has anything to do with being "adultish" or not...

Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm twenty-four and I swear I have crayons in my backpack as we speak. Instead of taking notes in class I usually just draw little cartoons about my teachers doing bizarre things. Haha like when my astronomy teacher said he was "an enormous gum-chewing freak." And then I drew him rampaging through a city, chewing gum and batting away helicoptors. Oh, man, I have a Peter Pan complex in the worst way. Well, not the WORST way. I mean, there's always Michael Jackson. Ok, maybe it IS a good idea to grow up. Screw it. You came to the wrong guy for advice here. Or did I come to you? I can't remember how we even got started talking about this.
-The Confessor

Krista said...

Novel, do what your heart tells you to do. I assume that means play, but it could be different. We'll have to do SOMETHING awesome, though, says, Uffish, inviting werfself to the celebration.

Novel Concept said...

Friends, don't worry about me getting rid of the toys...I've got approximately 124 different crayons, and about 3 big boxes of board games and toys. I've got more stuffed animals and such than most 6 year olds...I don't plan to stop being my very own version of child-like, ever.

Maybe the real question is what's different? Anything? Is 20 merely another number? Don't worry, I'm not trying to be introspective, just wondering...

Etelmik said...


Just do whatever you want, missy. Whatever you want.

But yeah, make sure it's cool, dang it.

Unknown said...

20 is just a number. All ages are just numbers. Or not. I don't know. But I do know something I'd like to do. It doesn't have to be before I turn 20, although that would be cool. What I really want to do is go on a road trip, like up to Canada, and go bowling. Because, come on, how many people can say they've been bowling in Canada?

Novel Concept said...

Dear Wilhelmina, I think we should definitely go to Canada sometime...maybe I can still beat you bowling, even when it's foreign, by that silly, single pin. :D

Anonymous said...

Wow, from the Land of Lincoln? What part? I'm from the Land of Lincoln as well. Actually, the city of Lincoln. And since you referred to Illinois as the Land of Lincoln, you aren't from Chicago, since all Chicagonians believe that Chicago is actually a state, and all the rest of Illinois is a giant hole that doesn't matter. So, I might know you. What part of the Land of Lincoln?

Christie C said...

An age is just a number that doesn't really mean much.

I still have a box of stuffed animals under me and Mr. Sock's bed. I can't bear to throw them out or give them to DI.

Novel Concept said...

I was born in the Land of Lincoln, but moved when I was two...sorry. Have you ever heard of Hinsdale? That's where I originated...I've also lived in Arizona, Utah, California, and Tennessee...I'm a bit lacking in a hometown...

Anonymous said...

Never throw away the crayons! I actually have a crayon of yours I stole to use as a scripture marker. It's a really lovely shade of blue. I think stealing is all right if you do it to obtain a really pretty colored scripture marker. In any event, happy birthday! We should celebrate with s'mores..and perhaps some bubbly.

The Ex..interestingly enough, your only one.

Anonymous said...

My birthday is the 26th too... Happy Birthday!