Monday, February 14, 2005

If I Were a Bell...

Oh the joys of Valentines Day!

For one whole day a year, I can think all the sappy, sentimental, pink and mushy thoughts that I want to, and they're allowed to show all over my brightly beaming contenance. I can walk around with the idiot smile, and no one else really cares...or at least no one else expects me to explain myself. This is, after all, a day entirely devoted to pink, love, and the happy little girl giggle...

Or something like that.

Favorite SAD Valentine I've heard today:

I'm not yours,
You're not mine
won't you be my anti-valentine? :D


Krista said...

I got a good one from my roommate.

"Roses are red,
Violets are purple,
If you were a sword,
You'd be a ... vorpal."

There's another good one I have, but it's packed away in a box. It ends with a nafo, though, and is distinctly anti-valentines day.

Anonymous said...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.

The roses are wilted,
The violets are dead,
The sugar bowl's empty,
And so is your head.