Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Miracle Umbrella

Sometime between last year and this year, I managed to lose my umbrella. I'm pretty sure this means that I've left it at my family's house, but I'm not entirely sure. Either way, until this morning, I was without umbrella.

I'm walking along in the rain, and getting wet, and not minding it too terribly, though it is cold, and I have the following train of thought:

Gee, it's raining, I should get an umbrella sometime. Oh, wait, I can't get it now, because I don't have any money with me...I guess I left my card at home. Wait, I left all my cards at home. Darn. That means I have to go home to get my ID to take my test. Guess I won't be taking it right after this class. Darn, I'm late to class. Ooh...sprinklers-and it's raining, that's funny, I kind of wish I had my camera right now, the sprinklers kind of make the grass look moor-ish....

At this point, a young man who has an umbrella walks up to me and pulls another one out of his pocket. He holds it out to me and asks if I'd like it. The interesting thing is that I don't know this young man at all, and I don't know that I'd be able to recognize him if I saw him again, but I sure do appreciate him. I love the seeming randomness of it-who walks around with a spare umbrella in their pocked to give to dripping damsels? Either way, I've had my faith in the kindness of strangers restored, and I now own my very own umbrella.

Hooray for rain.


Jordan and Emily Chapman said...

You didn't leave an umbrella at our house, I guess you lost it in your dorm... I hope you find it, but if you don't you could always dance in the rain. :)

teamwebb said...

I got an umbrella for free recently as well. Problem is that you get what you pay for. The handle broke off so I have to hold it above my head now.