Tuesday, March 01, 2005

TV is the Devil

Well, at least TV Preview...

I mean, I was all psyched up to go...DOOR PRIZES!!

I didn't win anything...and sadly, neither did Uffish or Wafflewitz...'twas really tragic.

On top of that, we sat through 2 hours of the worst TV ever. I was really glad that we got the chance to tell them what we thought of it, because I certainly had some opinions on the topics. The first show was called "Soulmates." Basically, it opperated on the premise that these two people had met in a past life, and they were trying to get together in successive lives, and this episode was all about her trying to figure out where she knew this guy from.

My critique stated the following: This show had the sentimentality of a middle-school diary, and was equally worth my time.

The second show was one that used to run on TV, and they're thinking about redoing it for TV again. The actors in it were pretty good, but it was still a dumb show. Thumbs down for both.

On top of all that, there were commercials...and not very good ones. In fact, there was the worst Dorritos commercial EVER in there. Somehow though, I still found myself wishing for the commercials to come, rather than watching the TV shows.

On top of all this insult, my cell phone was picked up by someone while there. It had been in my purse...but it wasn't there when I left. I called and got it suspended so that it couldn't make any calls, or recieve any, and then sent my mom an e-mail about the whole thing. I actually went back to the hotel where they'd held the whole thing yesterday, and someone had turned it in, so I'm not sure what happened there. Anyway, that sorrowful part is now fixed. :D

AND we didn't win anything! I felt justified in keeping the stupid pen they included with our rating packet...at least then I'd take something from the evening.

It was a terrible evening, minus the company. Uffish and Wafflewitz are really great people to hang out with by the way, if you're lucky enough to try it sometime-take the opportunity. Phoenix even brought over some of his cure-all remedy...Ice Cream, and then a bunch of us watched most of White Christmas. Hooray for friends who can help cheer you up.

I thought I was done with the awful TV Preview people forever. I didn't win, I didn't like them, and I'd lost 2 hours of my precious youth for them. I bet I'll regret that when I'm like...50.

Well, today, they found me.

I get a phone call from the people. They had the audacity to call me! ME! Who told them exactly what I thought of their stupid TV Preview with the comment that they needed "more prizes, and T-shirts, free ones." These people wanted another 10 minutes of my life! Their justification was that it'd had been a few days and they wanted to get my opinions after the fact.

Oh, did I have opinions.

I could have just hung up on them...but I decided to give them what they wanted. They'd likely be getting hung up on by most people anyway right?

I did the entire thing monotone...no change in my voice whatsoever. part of our conversation went like this:

"Do you remember seeing a Secret Body Sprays commercial?"
"What ideas were presented in the commercial?"
"That if you wear their spray you'll be a sexy lady and have success with men."
"Were there any other ideas presented in the commercial that you noticed?"
"You won't stink."

She didn't so much as titter.

"Do you remember seeing a Bounty Paper Towel Commercial?"
"What ideas were presented in the commercial?"
"Bounty is better than the leading competitor."
"Were there any other ideas presented in the commercial that you noticed?"
"Bounty is better at absorbing green water."

Poor lady. Oh well, it was awful. She asked me if I would consider coming back if I were invited again. I said "Probably not." She replied, "Is that a yes or no?"

"No." DUH!

Anyway, if anything else, I hope that Uffish, Wafflewitz and I helped to save the world from some kind of horrible programming, because that, my friends, is why the Youth of America are becoming so darn stupid.

TV is the Devil.


Etelmik said...

You're an absolute gem. You've given me a significant boost for the day.


Alicia said...

I attended TV preview in December. Total crap. But my friend won a door prize.

Robert Anthony Pierce said...

How can I sign up for this!? I LOVE telling people what I think about things!

Unknown said...

Confessor I was thinking exactly the same thing...Anyway, I'm back to normal again, all the tests are done and everything is great. Thanks for the post Novel.

Unknown said...

I got the tickets from my sister who got them in the mail. I think I still have the letter that came with the tickets, so if you really wanted to go, I could get you the contact info. But really, it was lame. The only good thing about it was that I was able to make fun of it with Novel and Uffish. Ok, found the letter.
Television Preview
Audience Selection Staff
P.O. Box 710
Hollywood, CA 90078-0710

azurerocket said...

I got tickets for that once but didn't go. I think they just send them out randomly. I couldn't have been so witty in my responses, so it's probably good I didn't go.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Mrs. Hephaestus and I screened "Soul Mates" about a year ago and it was lousy then too. They might have changed it by the time you saw it, but when we saw it it involved a lady who fell in love with a murderer in a past life. Anyway, she meets him again in the present and presumably is supposed to fall in love with him again. That was kind of disturbing to Mrs. H and I, and it reminded us a little too much of Episode 2:

Anakin: So then I killed all the women and children too...anyway, you wanna get married?
Padme: Okay!

Anonymous said...

Don't go to these. Their doing brainwashing experiements. Then they call you to see if the brainwashing works. They ask after you see the commercial what you remember about it and if you say certain things, that verifies that the brainwashing and subliminal seduction worked.