Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Meeshka, Meeshka, Meeshka

OK, I don't think that's spelled correctly, I'm sure you'll all be able to move past that.

So today I had another adventure, and this time, it was with a kitten. I was walking home some convoluted way because I could. It was raining...and really, really cold, so the long route was probably not the best of ideas. Anyway, I'm walking through the center of my block where there are about 4 parking lots all hooked together, and I hear this small mewing. I turn around to find a small, black, wet, fuzzball following me. Obviously, I pick the cat up, and it starts to purr.

Curse the cute thing, now I know it needs me.

So then I do the really rational thing, and take it home with me. It was really dirty, terribly matted, and pretty starved, so I think it's safe to say that it didn't belong to anyone. I brought it into my apartment--you know, the one that doesn't allow pets--and fed it some milk and bread. Then I went and woke Uffish so that she could see what I'd done. Basically, we're both in love with this little cat, and we start trying to come up with names for it. I keep calling it meeshka (though spelled differently, I'm sure). Anyway, we play for a little while and then decide that it's a good time to take a cat nap (haha...get it...cat...nap...yeah.). About an hour later, I wake up and the cat is sleeping peacefully in my lap. Hooray! It's so cute, and cuddly, and it likes me--some of my favorite qualities in a companion. :) Uffish says something along the lines of "This is not a cat" because of it's extreme friendliness. I reply with, "No, it's a Puppy! Tee hee!" (this is one of my favorite episodes).

Sadly, although the puppy...I mean, kitten, was really pretty, I found out that, much as I wanted it to be true, I couldn't make myself not allergic to cats, or hatch a scheme brilliant enough that I felt like it'd be ok to keep the kitten--especially when I go back to being an RA in the fall. Alas, I'm currently looking to find it a home--though it might already have one. If you're really interested in having a kitten, and you'd still let me come and play with it. Let me know--I'll get in touch with you somehow.


Anonymous said...

I'll take that kitten off your hands . . . and we can stash it in the second floor commons room. Come on, what's the HA going to say, "pets are against the rules"? What's she going to do about it, kick us out? Ma ha ha Oh wait. Probably. Darn.

Krista said...

She's still having hangover allergic reactions. I think I need to vacuum her bed, or something, because our poor Novel is half dead. Darn.

Anonymous said...

Heh, that was a pretty entertaining episode of Making Fiends.

I really haven't had good experiences with cats in the past and I'm quite content with the relationship that I have with them: they don't like me and I don't like them.

But good luck on finding a home for it! :)

Etelmik said...

I love cats. People just keep running into the stray ones that are mean. Cats are like dogs and people--depends on the individual.

My kitty I had when I was five 'til I was 22. She was awesome and loving and I was her favorite =)

Jordan and Emily Chapman said...

This reminds me of "O' Brother Where Art Thou". But I'm going to modify it. "Cats, I hate cats, I hate cats more than I hate coppers." (then George Nelson shoots them)
I'm just kidding, not people will thing that I'm some sort of morbid person. But, really, get rid of the cat, you know they're bad for you.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE kitties! If you were closer we could take it off your hands and give it to the shelter (where it would promptly get adopted), but getting a kitten from Provo to Mesa is kind of a stretch...