Saturday, June 11, 2005

Yarrrg...Whine..and a Couple of Tra la la's

That's how we laugh the day away in the merry old land of Novel's stressed.

I'm so bad right now that I just typed my real name there...oh well. It wouldn't be too much of a surprise for most of you.

Anyway. I'm really stressed right now...and so I'm doing all kinds of responsible things, like taking a break right now to write about how stressed I am instead of just finishing up what I'm working on to remove a source of the stress.

Basically, all my teachers decided to have the final papers and projects due on the last day of class, and I decided...ever so responsibly, that I would wait until the last week to get them really going.

Sooo dumb. Why don't I ever learn?

As a result, I've currently got 4 papers (1 4 page one is done...I have two 6-7 page papers left, and then a one page summary of a cspan thing that I haven't watched yet...) and two presentations (one on camping--that'll be fun, and one on the divide between the upper and lower class in America) all due on Monday. I've also got work tonight from 10pm-6am, church tomorrow at noon, and then the afternoon to finish up everything else that I need to have finished by 7:30 Monday morning.

To top it off, I'm feeling kind of grumpy because I have so much to do. I scheduled the shower I took right after work today, and then slept about 2 hours longer than I'd planned. Granted, I slept only about 6 hours, but still--it's too much. I still need to grocery shop and do laundry, and poor Uffish is stuck dealing with all of this because I'm her roommate. Even my mom got an earful when she called. Thankfully, everyone around me is being really nice and understanding and letting me vent about my frustrations--especially with group projects, but I won't go there at the moment.

Anyway, just as a side note--EFY kids are dirty little beasts when it comes to bathrooms. I cleaned the bathrooms in the WILK last night for 8 hours--and that's about how long it took to get their messes cleaned up. *shudder*

Alright, back to papers...see you on the other side.

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