Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Life is like...

I don't know that anyone else is going to understand this post...Oh well. Read on if you like.

Lately I've been feeling kind of like a patron in a really nice art museum. I'm walking around observing paintings of other people's lives and even participating in them sometimes, but sort of just passing through--much like Harry Potter I suppose...Except I seem to have lost my home frame.

I'm not really sure what it is. I'm just feeling...Less anchored perhaps? Not in certain things--the Gospel is still true, I'm supposed to be here in Provo, I don't need to cut my hair etc. All my friends are great, my life really is good. I'm just feeling out of place again I suppose.

Oh well, maybe the feeling will pass with time--I've just got to find my home frame again. Meanwhile, I'm just try and enjoy passing through everyone else's pictures, at least until I find the one that I fit into correctly.

Yeah...I don't quite fit into any of those pictures...


Mika said...

it was nice to see your smiling face, even though it appeared in strange frames...jarom sends his regards, and asks how you are. shoot me an email and I can give you his number, or email.

and have a happy thursday!

Etelmik said...

Perhaps it is because you don't have much time left before something permanent happens, so you are mercifully just participating, but not completely submerged it in all. Does that make sense?

Hey, that's how it's been for me too! Maybe that means I'll meet someone soon...

Thirdmango said...

Now i really want to take a picture of you and me, that would be my favorite picture ever.

Sara said...

Sounds familiar! I often feel like I'm merely passing through and that this life is just a pitstop. But, I guess that's true. It all just seems to be moving around me while I appear to waste time and fail to produce anything viable. Maybe that didn't make sense. I don't mean children...just make something of my time and efforts.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome into my picture any time. We'll make quesadillas and s'mores and watch What Dreams May Come.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you cut your hair you could be cool like me!!