Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Peeves...the Pet Kind

I should probably learn to better communicate these to people. I usually just end up sitting around irritated for a little while, until I learn to either deal with it, or fix the problem in a manner that irritates me less. Without much more ado...Allow me to present:

Novel's Eating Pet Peeves:

  • gulping sounds in the back of people's throats while drinking
  • clinking and scraping ceramic/porcelain/glass bowls/plates with metal utensils
  • talking with their mouth open--food spilling on their lap and other people
  • teeth scraping metal forks/spoons--eat the food, not the fork
  • shoveling food off plate and rushing off
  • ingratitude for a meal that someone's worked hard to cook--it's not hard to say a simple "thanks."

    Novel's Kitchen Pet Peeves:

  • Moldy/bad/stinky food in the fridge or on the counter
  • having to re-wash dishes from the dishwasher because people didn't load it right or didn't rinse. Some machines are built to blast the food off with the bacteria...Others just sanitize the dishes you already wash. It's important to realize which one you've got.
  • utensil mixing in the utensil holder in the dishwasher (only when I'm loading)
  • putting utensils that are too tall in the utensil thing--just put them on the top shelf, please?
  • dishes being put away with food bits stuck to them...If they're not clean, they need to be re-washed.
  • open cabinets
  • Sounding OCD for bringing all this up.

    I'm probably too protective of the kitchen right now--funny thing is though, that I only get this way when I've got to clean it myself, or part of it myself. If I get help, I'm all smiles and understanding. As soon as I have to do it alone though, I get grumpy.

    Moral: Novel Hates doing most chores alone most of the time, and she needs to sleep.

    Thirdmango said...

    Ha Ha, Novel has kitchen problems, luckily one of my mannerisms that I do at the kitchen table is not on that list, but I shall not say what it is for fear of you noticing it sometime. It drove one of my companions crazy but most people don't notice it.

    Anonymous said...

    Nice. The gulping sound people make when they're drinking really bothers me as well. I've told a few people that but they didn't get it. "Gulping? Don't you HAVE to do that?"

    Oh well.

    Anonymous said...

    I HATE that sound of people noisily opening their mouths when they're eating . . . gah *shudders just thinking about it*

    I personally have huge issues with dirty kitchens. Like, big enough issues that I won't eat if I think the kitchen is too dirty. It's just so gross and unsanitary. Needless to say, I've lost a bit of weight because of this. Living by myself is wonderful if only for the fact that I can keep my kitchen at an acceptable cleanliness level.

    Unknown said...

    There's nothing worse than grabbing a bowl out of the cupboard for your morning cereal and realizing some of yesterday's breakfast is still there.