Friday, December 16, 2005

"...Be Good, for Goodness' Sake..."

I've been listening to about a hundred different singers sing the same songs at work lately. I've been picking out my favorites--like the Boy Band that sang the whole of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer as a ballad...or the song that's chorus goes, "Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus, it's Christmas Eve." and has a section where Santa cheers on reindeer like Pedro, and says, "Ole! Ole! Ole!" instead of "Ho! Ho! Ho!" So funny, I laugh every single time.

Anyway. Santa Claus is coming to town plays at least twice an hour, and I always listen to the words. First, because they're vaguely stalker-esque (he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows if you're awake...creepy.), but the phrase that struck me in particular was the phrase, "He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good, for goodness sake."

What an interesting concept. Being good, solely for the sake of goodness...Now, the song isn't about that at all. It's about being good so that you get presents and not coal, but it brings up an interesting idea, even unintentionally. Being good just because it's good, and not because you're afraid of consequences--immediate or long term, but just because it's good to be good. Someday I'll get there...and do the right things simply because they are just that--the right things. Not because they're a more appealing option in the long run, or because they're just what I'm supposed to do, but because they're good...

Oh for goodness sake... :D

Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy New Year too, in case I don't write anything on here in the meantime. I've got a lot of stuff to get done, and only about a week at home with my family before some of us move out to Utah, to be followed later by the rest. Merry Christmas to all, Happy Holidays to the rest, and to all, a very good night.

1 comment:

Braden said...

I really enjoy your blog, Novel. And your new pic. Merry Christmas to you, too.