Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Beautiful Mind?

I'm taking a quick break from all my studying to let the world know that I still exist, and that I haven't forgotten that they too exist.

I'm sitting next to my window, which moments ago was covered with a physics problem that I'd worked out on it. I came up with the idea earlier today because I have to be on duty tonight, and it's been the best way I've ever done my homework. Right now, I'm looking forward to my classes next semester, because I can do more of my homework this way...It's gonna be amazing.

Anyway, I'm also laughing at the way I look today. Took a shower, and didn't do anything to my hair, which means it's down, for once. That honestly almost never happens. I'm also wearing glasses, because I can't remember the last time that I took my contacts out, and they were kind of glued to my eyeballs this morning. Needless to say, it's about time I got some new ones.

Anyway, back into my world of numbers and letters...And then onto Argentina. I'm doing all kinds of traveling in this little imaginative world of mine. Let's just hope that when Finals Week is over and done, I don't emerge with friends from those places that no one else can see....


Lavish said...

Yesterday my roommate was convinced that she had failed one of her finals so we used our mirrored closet doors to list the options (both realistic and not so realistic but definitely humorous) that she had in this situation to deal with the "devastation" but still be able to focus on the other upcoming finals she has. Hooray for huge "white boards."

Jokey Smurf said...

Um, Argentina is a real place.

Natalie said...

I'm so glad I'm not in college yet. I admire you, Novel.