Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hands-On Fun

Sometimes, as part of my internship, I get to work with Children. I love this. I think that kids are the funniest beings ever. They're just so completely honest and usually unaware that the things they're saying are not supposted to be said.

Anyway, some of the funnier quotes lately are included here:

In response to the question "What are the three states of matter?" A couple of boys had this interaction:

"Video Games?"
(boy who said trees smacks boy who said video games) "Video games?!?"
(boy who said video games rubs his arm) "What? They matter."

After a group of pre-schoolers is told about the fact that they can't pick the color they want and chanting "You get what you get and you don't get upset" a little girl says,

"I don't care what I get, I only care that I love my mommy and daddy."

That girl has got it down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They called me to teach the 7 year olds in Primary and I've got some good ones too...

Teacher: What has Jesus taught us about our bodies?
Boy: Don't pick your nose!
Girl: Don't fart at the dinner table!
Teacher: (prompting) Did he say something about our bodies being temples?
Boy: Don't fart at the temple?

Me: What does 'immersion' mean?
(Austin raises his hand)
Yes, Austin?
Austin (very seriously): My dog peed on my bed today.
Me: Oh..that's very..unfortunate..

I passed around an older picture of my dad water-skiing in which he has a mustache.
The rest of my class: HAHAHAHAHAH!
Me: I..don't..get it..
Cade: See, cause he has a mustache!!
(uncontrollable laughter continues)

Lots of fun.