Friday, July 21, 2006

Foggy Bottom School of Art

Today I joined* the Foggy Bottom school of art. Having been completely full of Potomac Fever for the past couple of days, I decided to pour my illness out onto canvas. Actually, it was great. TheGoldenMean, Yarjka and I all went exploring. We went to Ford's Theatre, saw the box in which Lincoln was shot, and then looked at some pillows that he bled on. Hrmm, that sounds less reverent than I intended. The theatre was quite cool, and I really enjoyed looking at stuff. It does make me wonder about why we have such a fascination with death. We, being society at large. It's something you don't talk about a whole lot regularly, but it seems like American Society as a whole tends to visit people's graves and see the places where they died. Odd.

Anyway, after doing that, we also walked to an art store, which happened to be having a sale. We picked up acrylic paints, canvases, paintbrushes, was great! We then walked to the Jefferson Memorial and painted. Actually, just Yarjka and I painted, and TheGoldenMean read his book. All-in-all, it was quite pleasant. I really enjoyed just sitting outside right as the sun started to set. The weather goes from hot to medium (that was a salsa joke), and the fireflies just start coming out on the lawn. It was so picturesque, and all of us captured a little bit of it in our own interpretation.

Once we got back home, we made some fried rice, ate some flavor-ice (it's like otter pops...but not.) and now I'm blogging. It's been a good day.

Oh! This morning, I also got a free bag from the EU, and while the speaker fairly droned on for about an hour and a half, I memorized the flags of the countries within the European Union, so the time was not a total waste, and the bag was, and is, amazing.

*TheGoldenMean wishes to correct this. He claims that I helped to found it. I didn't come up with the idea, Yarjka I merely went along with it.


Anonymous said...

Is this where the Potomic fever question came from...

Yarjka said...

Guilty as charged...the question is the fault of a 2:00AM craving to ask a question on the board, but not actually having any question that needed to be answered (but feeling, indeed, quite feverish).
The question, however, comes from somewhere much deeper. The full history of the question can be traced back to the early years of American history, when George Washington himself was known for having a case of "Potomic Illness" or "The Bug of the Potomic" as it was sometimes called in those times.
There are many other notable names in history that have acquired Potomic Fever...
I guess, you could say that Potomic Fever is extremely contagious, and has no known cure. There is a vaccination, however, but it is not available to Americans.
As you can see, I've clearly answered my own question by doing some careful, meticulous research, and, therefore, the question can be disregarded. Why I'm posting all of this on Novel Concept's board is rather unexplainable...I suppose it's because I planned to type a single witty response to let her know I read the blog, and your comment was staring me in the face ('your' being 'Whistler,' to whom this comment has actually been directed all along (sorry Novel)).
I think I'm done. Six Flags was fun, btw. You should have been there ('you' now refers to Novel...sorry Whistler, but I don't know you)