Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Washington DC Has Been Good For Me

Well, the end is approaching. It's a little hard to believe that there are only a few more weeks left, and that I've still got so much left to accomplish. Between work projects, tourism, and hanging out with people, I think that I've got most of my time scheduled between now and the end of my stay here.

Actually, come to think of it, I've got my time scheduled basically until school starts...Meh.

Anyway, I thought I should make a list of things that I've done, and things that I still want to do before I leave. That way, if it's in some organized state, I might actually accomplish all those things.

Things I've done (and loved)
-Worked in the Museum of American History
-Seen all the monuments
-Gotten a library card from the library of congress
-surfed on the metro
-walked on the steps behind the Lincoln memorial
-served food to a homeless person
-watched many, many movies
-walked at night (not unaccompanied)
-seen the white House at all different times of day and night
-watched the fireworks on the fourth of July
-Went Canoeing on the Patomic
-Rode a Boat to look at the monuments at night

Places I've visited (and also loved)
-The Museum of American History
-The Air and Space Museum
-The Museum of the American Indian
-The Hirshorn Gallery
-The Freer and Sackler Galleries
-The Holocaust Museum
-The National Aquarium at Baltimore
-Ft. McHenry
-The OAS
-The Supreme Court
-The National Archives
-Independence Hall
-Rocky's Steps
-General Pickett's Buffet
-The Museum of the National philosophical Society
-China Town

Places I still Need to Visit
-The National Gallery of Art
-The Museum of Women's Art
-The Museum of Natural History
-The National Zoo (I've been told to go early in the morning...like 6:00 am...and the animals will be out and frolicking)
-The Dulles Air and Space Museum
-The Pentagon
-Mt. Vernon

Things I still need to do
-Go up to the top of the Washington Monument
-Watch a movie at "Screen on the Green"
-Play Ultimate Frisbee on the National Mall
-Revisit all the monuments on one long walk

Alright, I know there's probably more that I need to do, but I'm feeling like this is a pretty good list so far. Now to hire a DC buddy to accompany me. :)


Yarjka said...

Doesn't ultimate frisbee on the White House backyard count?

Unknown said...

Ooh, yes. The Art Museum is important. I actually liked the Modern Art Museum better than the normal one. And you can go to the Zoo at any time; it's a great place to visit at any hour, although early in the morning would also help you beat the heat. I think it's great that you got to live in D.C. It's such a cool place.

Thirdmango said...

Mount Vernon is a pretty cool place, but I do very highly recommend playing Ultimate on the Mall! Very enjoyable experience. Have you been to Ford's theater yet? That is also a fun place to go, see how many Fairbanks statues you can find. There are a whole lot. :)

Piquantly Parisian said...

Pick me! Pick me! I want to be your DC buddy.