Sunday, July 02, 2006

Helmet Anyone?

Does anyone need a helmet?

Because the bike that went with mine ran away today.

(This sounds really sad and's sad, but not THAT don't feel too bad.)


Anonymous said...

Did it run away or was it...KIDNAPPED? *gasp* dun dun dun...

Thirdmango said...

You know, back in high school I was so excited because I had gotten a brand new bike, I rode it to school but it was a day I had to stay for some sort of thing until like 5. I came outside and what did I find? Someone had stolen my bike.... seat. Who steals seats? All of the bikes that were at that particular bike rack had the seats stolen. I haven't ridden that bike since.

Then back in middle school I rode my bike out to school but I went a weird way and so I would always lock it up around a telephone poll. Well one day I came back and found that someone had stolen my bike.... lock. My lock was gone but my bike was still there against the poll. I had to walk the rest of the year due to fear of having another lock stolen.

So I sorta know what you're going through... sorta.

Yarjka said...

Hey ThirdMango,
I got my bike seat stolen once too! It was quite inconvenient, and scary to ride home. Remember that Kids in the Hall bit where Bruce McCullough complains about the guy stealing his front tire? Pretty funny.
Oh, and Novel Concept, I feel for you. Not funny at all.