Friday, February 25, 2005

The Wheels on the Bus...

I just rode the bus home from Orem, and had a 35 minute talk with the bus driver. It turns out that he loves history too, and so, as we talked about different regions in the USA, we were able to pepper our speech with various historical references that were really funny, as long as you had some idea of the history behind them...

Here's to getting out and talking to random people...and here's even more to finding out that you actually have things in common with them. :D

1 comment:

eleka nahmen said...

I used to love talking to the bus drivers back when I was beholden to public transportation. I remember one in particular.. he had all sorts of degrees, but because of economical conditions outside his control he was unable to get any job other than driving the bus. It made me really sad, as that's not the kind of thing one expects to hear in America.