Monday, May 23, 2005

On the Benefits of Wearing a Skirt

So I'm totally out of pants, and need to do laundry.

I tell you this only because it makes what comes next make more sense than if I were just telling you these things off the cuff.

I've reached the point in my wardrobe where I no longer have pants, and I don't want to resort to wearing my dresses. That's right folks, its skirt season in the Concept household. I've been alternating between wearing skirts and shorts for a week or so now, hoping to make my jeans and singular pair of shorts last longer. After a trip to the Salt Lake, my shorts are not wearable until washed, and my jeans are now to the point where they can't really be worn either unless they get washed. That leaves me with just my skirts.

Now, here's another funny fact. In general, the skirts that I wear are ones I've made myself. Are you feeling skeptical about this yet? Don’t worry--I'm actually not a bad seamstress when it comes to skirts. They're all knee-length (and a little below) and made out of nice bright colors without being obnoxious. Sure, you may not believe me after the pillowcase post...but it's true. Somebody back me up here? Don't look so disbelieving there Lilaea ;).

Anyway. I've noticed a few things that happen to me only when I'm wearing a skirt. Here are a few that have happened in the past hour:

  • I'm walking to the bus stop, and waiting to cross the street because a car is coming. There are no other cars coming immediately, and so as soon as they're gone, I can cross. Instead, they stop, though they have no stop sign, to let me cross the street, all the while watching me as I cross.
  • As I'm waiting at said bus stop, this truck full of construction guys slows down as they pass me, honk the horn, and then turn the corner.
  • The bus driver actually smiles at me as he welcomes me onto the bus, and waits for me to take a seat before pulling away.

Now, these could all just be coincidences, but I don't really think so. The funny thing is that I'm really not that attractive. I'm passable, but I'm not hot, HOT, or HOTT by any stretch of the imagination. I really think it's just the skirt, and it makes me laugh.

Wonder what I could accomplish if I wore a dress....


Krista said...

Ha! I thought I was the only one who ever noticed that. Except as I wear skirts only infrequently, that translates to when I've decided not to wear a T-shirt, or to curl my hair, or something. Also, it only seems to apply to males with no one else in the car. I don't know how many go past, but I know more than the usual number stop. Thanks- it's a nice mood-booster.

Unknown said...

Actually Novel, If you'll recall one of my first's skirts. Just plain skirts that have that effect. Don't know what it is...but man I like skirts.

Jordan and Emily Chapman said...

I worry that you make your own skirts, but I might try it... I like attention

alishka babushka said...

i agree with you! skirts do have that affect, maybe its the fact that we are showing more leg then normal, or something. i find it even more noticeable when i wear heels, cause every girl knows that heels make your legs look longer, and skirt help show off the legs, and voila!