Friday, December 09, 2005

Chronicles of Narnia

The movie was truly amazing, I highly reccomend it, and I won't go into it in too great of detail now, because I don't want you to get your hopes up too high and then see it and be dissapointed. Just know that I, Novel Concept, found it entirely worth my $8.25 to see it at 12:15 this was really really good.

I also really love the books. I'm not feeling particularly eloquent at the moment...though that could have a great something to do with the lateness of the hour. Regardless, C.S. Lewis is an incredible author, and I should probably try and get into one of the classes about him sometime whilest at BYU.

Happy Finals Everyone.


Carlos said...

I also enjoyed the movie at 12:01 this morning. Good flick.

Ben said...

Holy crap that was a good flick. Still blown away.

Also, you're still cool. Bye.