Yay! I'm here in Washington D.C., and I'm really excited about it. I've started work at the Smithsonian, and it's going so well so far. Today I got trained on a lot of basics of the program, and I got asked to work on a special project that my Supervisor's Supervisor is working on with the Air and Space Museum. This equals really cool.
I also bought some sunglasses today that are really popular looking...let's see if I can find a comparable picture. Ok, that's about what they look like, except the hinge is metal, and has some small decorative rhinestones on it. It was awesome though--I totally walked down the street wearing these sunglasses, my hair long and flowing without frizz due to the increased moisture in the air, feeling all kinds of special because the Smithsonian is allowing me to help them on a project. The only thing that would make this day better is if my family and friends happened to be in the area. I'd run over to my friend's house with my silly sunglasses (apparently designed in Italy), and then I'd invite all of them over on a trip to the Library of Congress with me...which I'm taking tonight. My family would love the library...we're all a lot of big readers. Meaning, of course, that we read a lot...not that we're a bunch of fatties...dang.
Anyway, I hope you're enjoying yourselves wherever you are, and that if you're not having fun yet, feeling confident yet, or liking what you're doing right now, that you'll fake it. Fake it hard core. Pretty soon, you'll probably fool yourself, along with the rest of the world. I seem to be doing a pretty good job of it right now. :)
You are ridiculously cool.
Don't you love D.C.? It's a fun place to be. If we had money, we'd totally come visit you!
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