Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Benvolio's blog about moving reminded me of my travelogue that I wrote for the move across country that my family did. This was in 2001, so 4 whole years ago...almost. It's been edited for interest’s sake, hope you enjoy it.

September 8, 2001

The trip from California to Nevada was pretty uneventful, except for the slight rainstorm in the front seat...hmmm... Once we got into the Sierra's there was a lot of smoke. Even with all the roads it was steep driving-imagine being in the Mormon Battalion and having to break a path through it. Yuck! Once we hit Nevada there was a sign that said, "free dirt." We figured they were talking about the whole state. Apparently we took the scenic route. As of yet I have seen 3 animals (not running, somebody get the spatula), 6 million bushes, 5 houses, and a whole lot of highway. This way's got to be the scenic route, the other way only has 5 million bushes and 3 houses, although I've heard it's got telephone poles, which our route seems to be short of. About 100 miles into Nevada there was a town called "Perishing." By the time we saw it, we were all perishing for lack of greenery, or scenery. When we passed the "town" it had one house, and a trailer. That brings the house count up to 6, and one trailer. A little ways down the road we passed by a small river-rock house, that was covered in splotches of red paint. There were a couple of alter-like things, and an odd kind of dead-looking tree. The scary thing about the whole place was that there were stuffed things lying about in dead manners everywhere: a cow stuffed thing on the alter, a body shaped stuffed thing hanging from the tree. All these things are also splotched with red paint, as if it were some sort of "sacrificial hut." I really don't think I ever want to meet the residents of such a place. Pretty soon we passed the state prison, or "correctional facility." For some reason, there were signs all over that said, "Don’t pick up hitchhikers." I wonder why. The funny thing about the prison is that it's located off of Freedom Blvd., in Independence Valley...more like, "you can't have your independence" valley... Most of us were dreading having to go camping after 2 nights of sleeping on the floor at our house, but it all worked out when my mom found a cheap room at Motel 6. No camping tonight-YAY! We even got hot food: chicken and potatoes-in the form of McDonald's French fries. Doesn't that count as a veggie? After watching X-Men, our family went to bed, and slept (or tried to) with the dog and our Dad snoring some sort of lullaby. At about 3:30 am we all woke up, with no alarm clock...and talked a bit, then slept again, thus ending the first 331 miles of travel...only 2500 to go...oh my...

There are many, many more entries...maybe I'll keep adding if I run out of regular things to write about...

1 comment:

Trueblat said...

Having served in Nevada, can I say that I agree. I went nine months without seeing a drop of rain. There is one perk of traveling on the road. I guess I have to explain this one. I have a tendancy to fall asleep at the wheel. Roads here curve, while out there, they're pretty strait and nothing in the way, so less things to hit, only bushes, if you can even call it that. There's really no term I can think describe it. It's like calling weeds grass.